Being: A Luminary Marvel by Cecilia Pozzi

Reviving Wood into a Unique, Award-Winning Lamp Design

Inspired by the strains of a cut fir-tree, designer Cecilia Pozzi breathes new life into discarded wood, transforming it into an innovative lamp design named 'Being'. This design, which won the Golden A' Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award in 2018, showcases Pozzi's commitment to material recovery and sustainable design practices.

Being's design process begins with the careful selection of wood and its subsequent transformation. The strain is clipped from the bottom upwards, maintaining a thickness of 100mm at the top. Random cuts of varying dimensions are then made along the circumference of the strain, creating a unique pattern of light effects. The final dimensions of the strain depend on how it is cut, adding a touch of unpredictability to each piece.

According to Pozzi, the type of wood used is crucial to the design's realization. Harder woods pose a challenge when drilling holes and making cuts. The strain's natural veining is preserved, adding an organic touch to the lamp's aesthetic. The strain can also be customized according to customer preferences, offering a smooth or natural finish.

Being is not just a lamp; it's a versatile design piece. Depending on its size, it can also serve as a seating option. Its dual functionality is a testament to Pozzi's innovative approach to design. The lamp can be used both indoors and outdoors, depending on the type of processing applied.

The design project, which took place in Milan, Italy in 2017, faced several challenges. The most significant was the positioning of the light source. Pozzi's solution was to create a bridge inside the hole of the strain. This bridge not only houses the light source but also serves as a support for the strain.

Being is a shining example of Pozzi's dedication to sustainable design practices. It's a design of "recovery," repurposing scrap wood into a functional and aesthetically pleasing object. This innovative approach to design earned Being the Golden A' Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award in 2018, a prestigious accolade granted to trendsetting creations that significantly impact the world with their desirable characteristics.

With its unique light effects, versatile functionality, and sustainable design philosophy, Being is more than just a lamp. It's a testament to Cecilia Pozzi's innovative approach to design and her commitment to material recovery and sustainability.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Cecilia Pozzi
Image Credits: #1 to #5 Cecilia Pozzi
Project Team Members: Cecilia Pozzi
Project Name: Being
Project Client: Cecilia Pozzi

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Being IMG #5

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